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  • Indie Reads
    Indie Reads

    It was snowing where I'm at last week! I don't mean frozen rain. No, I mean an inch of thick flakes coming down in a flurry. And don't even get me started on the wind chill! So here is to hoping April will be more like Spring some time... Read more

  • Blog

    (And Read More Books You Love)

    It’s a new year and time for a new Goodreads reading challenge goal. My goal last year was to read 70 books, and I read over 100. I would say about 90% of the books I thoroughly enjoyed. I can't tell you how shocked I was when I found out some people only enjoy 50% or even 30% of what they read... Read more

  • Author Interviews
    Author Interviews

    Author Common and Traitor

    Common tells the story of a simple palace maid with a secret friendship with the prince. When the royal family announces a marriage to a foreign princess, Leah realized her friendship might have been something more. Then she unearths a plot to overthrow the royal family. Her life shatters... Read more

  • Blog

    From The Diary Of Sihara Dayal

    Dear Diary,The most horrifying, absolutely terrible thing happened to me today. I coughed!

    Let me explain. Today was the end of the moon cycle, and all Elementi are required to travel to the Shrine of Light while the moon is blacked out. So I rode Miriam, she was a little temperamental, I... Read more

  • Tales From Valomir
    Tales From Valomir

    A letter from his son, Jaden

    Dear Father,I don't understand why I have to go to this horrible school. Everyone makes fun of me. I tried to stand up to the bullies that beat me today like you told me to. They had to go to the nurse's office for a broken nose, and a broken wrist. Now everyone is even more horrified of me.... Read more