The Short History Of How I Became A Bookwyrm

The Short History Of How I Became A Bookwyrm

I think my love of stories started at a young age when my father read me the Little House on the Prairie books and the Narnia books. Eventually, he told us a sci-fi fantasy story filled with history, alternative universes, and time travel. Looking back, I think this story had a much bigger effect on me than I realized.

The first chapter books I read were Little House On The Prairie, the Narnia series and Anne of Green Gables.

My favorite subject in school has always been history. Partly because it involved reading, and partly because the mythology of ancient cultures fascinated me.

Throughout my life, my mother encouraged and nurtured my love of books by taking me to the local library almost every week. For every handful of Star Trek or Star Wars books I picked out for the week, she also picked out a classic or historical novel for me to read.

I didn't realize how much of an impression the books made on me until I decided to write a list of books that changed my life, and almost half of them were ones she “forced” me to read (it wasn't hard, she said). Weedflower, Kira-Kira (first time I cried while reading), Women of Troy, Jane Eyre, and the (in)famous Nancy Drew to name a few.

As I got into my teen years, my father suggested books including Animal Farm and Out of Silence Planet. These books blew my mind, but what really warmed my heart was the fact that he wanted to hear my opinion on the books after I read them.

When I was 15, my grandfather sent me some of his favorite novels, including Roy Rogers, and a Spy in Williamsburg. They became my fast favorites.

Fast-forward a few years, and my grandfather sent my siblings and I Isaac Asimov books for Christmas. I was sent an anthology of the first five Foundation books, The Stars Like Dust, Caves Of Steel and the Naked Sun.

I started reading at about 2pm and finished by 8am the next morning. Did I sleep? No, I literally spent the entire time reading the most amazing series of books I had ever laid my hands on. I was delirious and took a nap most of the next day (Woohoo Christmas weekend). If given a choice, I would do it again. I distinctly remember this day, finishing the last words by the light of the rising sun.

So there you have it, a few of the events in my life that have made me the bookwyrm I am today.